Monday, April 19, 2010

adobe CS5

Adobe is quite optimistic about CS5 release. Adobe CEO, Shantanu Narayen, in his interview with the Fox Business News said: “All the customers that we have talked to are incredible excited about the upcoming launch”
. One of the aspects that make this launch particularly meaningful for Adobe is that they are updating flash player so that their “publisher partners and customers can actually distribute their content to the variety of devices that are emerging”.

Adobe flash will soon be coming to Android, Blackberry and the WebOS. Previously this was scheduled for the beginning of this year but Shantanu Narayen said that their partners are going to be releasing versions of Flash on smartphones and tablets only in the second part of the year. He did not give any explanations for the change of the schedule or provide any certain dates.
Commenting on the Apple’s exclusion of flash support in its iPhone operating system Shantanu Narayen said: “Lack of support for flash on any device means that the consumers using these devices are not getting flash in all its glory. We have a number of excited partners who are working aggressively with us to bring Flash to their devices, whether they be smartphones as well as handsets, and so companies like Google or RIM or Palm are going to be releasing versions of Flash on smartphones and tablets in the second half of the year”.
And as for the Apples decision Adobe CEO says that this is not a technology decision but a business decision and that it hurts customers. As for the effect that this move may have on Apple Shantanu Narayen said that competitive response in the market is going to happen in the second part of this year when you will see phones running Android operating system or the Palm operating system support the web in all its glory.

Adobe has officially begun beta testing its Flash Player for Android. You can sign up to beta test 
Adobe’s Android Flash Player by creating an account and registering here; Adobe will then notify you once the public beta becomes available.
Adobe is also preparing to test an Android version of its
 Adobe AIR platform. If you’re a developer and want to be a part of that limited beta testing group, you can apply at Adobe’s AIR for Android sign-up page.
original post  here
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